Voting is compulsory in Brazil ~ WalkBrazil4K Travel Blog

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Voting is compulsory in Brazil

In Brazil, voting is mandatory and we are already in the election year in brazil.

According to the Federal Constitution, voting in Brazil is mandatory for every citizen, born or naturalized, literate, aged between 18 and 70 years. Voting is optional for young people aged 16 and 17, for people over 70, and for the illiterate.

You would pay a fine if you do not vote and you would have difficulties getting a new passport, even Brazilians abroad are also required to vote.

Citizens who have a regular status in the Electoral Court can vote, that is, without pending issues that prevent them from exercising their right to vote. This means that those who have not taken their voter registration card or regularized this condition until May 4, 2022, before the closing of the electoral register, will not be able to vote in the October elections. It is that, as provided for in the Resolution of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) No. 23.674/2021, the deadline for regularization ends 151 days before the vote.


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