The difference between the corruption of The white man and The black man ~ WalkBrazil4K Travel Blog

Thursday, January 13, 2022

The difference between the corruption of The white man and The black man

I would Make it short and simple, the white man steals money and he would build the best hospital where he can be treated when he falls sick but the black man is so dumb and he would never do that he would instead take the money of his people to the white man's land to get treatment.

Yes, the white man is more corrupt than the black man, who helped Abacha move millions of dollars to Switzerland? The white man, Who kept the money in Switzerland for Abacha? The white man

Who steals oil on the high sea? The white man

Who steals resources in Africa? The white man

So the white Man is more corrupt, but when the white man steals money  he would not bring that money to Africa, he would take it to the caymans controlled by the same white man, lol

But the black man is corrupt and stupid, he steals money from his people and he takes that same money to the white man's country instead of investing that money in Africa

So I hope you can see the difference and like I said before the hospitality business that I am into would always mix with politics because this is why people in Africa are running to the white man's land because of corruption in Africa or the black man's corruption.


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