The Cost Of Living In Brazil 2021 ~ WalkBrazil4K Travel Blog

Monday, June 14, 2021

The Cost Of Living In Brazil 2021

Brazil is a wonderful country with lots of opportunities and the cost of living is relatively low compared to other countries in the west or even some other parts of South America this is why so many foreigners come to Brazil to live and to have a nice and peaceful life, I would be breaking down the cost of living from the state I reside In Brazil so you can understand what to expect when you come to Brazil, so you can hit the ground running and this is the latest and current info as of 2021.

The cost of rent for a 2 bedroom in a good area starts from 800-1000 reais and most Brazilians love to stay in condos because they provide security, you can get as from 1000-1500 reais and above, you can still get a house lower than 800reais

The cost of electricity for a month is about 150reais-200reais and this depends on what you use at home

The cost of water is about the same price as electricity 150reais-200reais

Cost of the Internet: you can get 120mbps for 120reais per month but some companies offer more for 140-150reais per month

Cost of groceries per month, you can spend between 600-700 reais on groceries per month, depending on the size of your family, we are just 3, me my girlfriend, and my son

A plate of food is 12reais in Brazil

Cooking Gas is 95reais

Gasoline is around 6-7eais per liter

The dollar is 5.30reais/$1

Education, government schools are free and they give food to the kids and some reading materials and you buy some and we also have private schools

Health care is free but you can opt for private hospitals if you can not wait because most times the waiting list for public hospitals is very long

Taxes for your MEI[micro]business is from 56reais and above depending on the kind of company or business you have


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